Calm Aim Coaching
Book nowCalm Aim Coaching
Calm aim is widely considered to be a very effective and efficient form of aim, that is not only highly viable in Valorant, as well as most major FPS games, but also extremely satisfying to master as a player and to watch as a viewer. I have spent my entire 2024 researching calm aim from my own gameplay and from others, in order to better understand how to teach you, and all my viewers, how to also achieve their desired mastery over it.
I will be making a video on the topic in the future so you do not need to pay for my coaching if you cannot afford it! These coaching sessions are limited time only. I will likely only take a handful of students (around 5 total), so I can focus on them without feeling overwhelmed. My goal is to give you the best possible coaching experience, as well as further deepen my understanding of my viewers gameplay levels and game understanding so I can keep improving my content and my coaching.
The coaching will be quite specific to each individual, since we will be going over your weaknesses, but overall we will go over your VODs and some Live games and I will be providing Aimlabs/ Kovaaks playlists, range routines, in-game warmups, mindset/performance coaching, stretching routines, books and more depending on your skill level and progression.